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Read and listen to Sentinel issues from 1898 to today.
Guidance from above
Your own set of keys
Prayer poised in Principle, not problems
Winning the battle with loneliness
The power of love
The ever-breaking news of salvation
Stillness and hearing God’s voice
“Where had the diseases gone?”
Following the star
What makes us new?
Humility, not reaction
Gratitude, even in our tough moments
Healing is within reach
What are we assuming?
Can we? Yes—it’s wonderfully true.
Loving our true self
The value of deep roots
The Bible’s message: Worth fighting about or fighting for?
What’s the motive?
Truth is operating
Our pain healer: God
AI’s need for our higher nature
Not enough time?
Seeking solutions? Find Truth.
A structure designed for healing
Finding the real cause
Who needs the Bible, anyway?
The protest called prayer
What’s the assignment?
Practical prophecy
Drawn to Life, not death
Your influence for good
Divine intelligence and our well-being
What the heart wants
Bringing stability to unstable times
The heart of humility
Healing our past hurts
No other choice
Know it
A happy Bible discovery
We can lay down our cynicism
Keep pedaling!
“Start where you are . . .
A foundation for trust
The health you always include
Stepping out of chaos
The ever-present hope of Easter
Can we undistract our prayer time?
And who is my neighbor?
What to do if you’re feeling afraid
Let Love shape your view
Another problem? Another victory!
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