The door is unlocked

We are never never denied our heritage as the blessed children of our Father. 

Sometimes the challenges we face or the troubles we see and hear about in the world may make us feel that we are shut out of God’s goodness. It may seem as though the door to God’s loving presence and abundance is closed and locked. If it appears that our lot in life is simply to be unhappy, how can we move forward with peace and joy? 

The psalmist answered this question when he prayed, “Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee. . . . Teach me to do thy will; for thou art my God: thy spirit is good” (Psalms 143:8, 10). God is good, and He shows us His goodness. He lets us know that He is blessing us all, continually. 

The Bible also tells us that God is ever present. In the loving care of an ever-present God, how can anyone be locked out of good? The reality is that we are always in the presence of God and His harmony, and when we understand that God’s law of good is forever in action on our behalf, we find that the door to our awareness of this, even the ability to see the blessings our loving Father is giving us right now, is wide open. 

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Image and Inspiration
October 21, 2024

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