Acute internal disorder overcome

There is nothing like feeling you’re at the end of your rope to cause you to reach out beyond yourself for a solution.

This happened to me some years ago when I was suffering from an acute internal disorder. My wife and I and our two small children had flown that day to another state for a family visit. I wasn’t feeling well in the late afternoon and went to lie down in our bedroom and pray. As the evening proceeded, it got worse, to the point where I was in pain, became fearful, and thought I might lose consciousness.

Having found many times, however, that Christian Science can be relied on for healing illness and injury through prayer alone, I turned to God with all my heart and became caught up in earnestly listening for what He was telling me. Healings had often come at the moment when I was willing to see God’s view. Many times, insights had come from the Bible, or from the textbook of Christian Science, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, which has given me a deeper understanding of the Bible—from Genesis to Revelation.

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Testimony of Healing
Healings during law school
June 3, 2024

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