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In seeing that we can have only the identity God made, we recognize that the resistance to spiritual growth calling itself distractedness is nothing more than an imposition on us.
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Keeping calm in the midst of conflict allows us to listen for the voice of divine Truth and Love. This peaceful utterance reassures us, no matter what someone else says or does, that the essential goodness of our identity continues undisturbed and untouched. 
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Single mom

The truth is that God’s creation is never on its own.
Through Love and its abundance
we conquer any sense of lack
or false responsibilities …
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Prayer is like feeding a bird

With stillness, patience, and presence, I am not missing anything. I am meeting new insights that arrive on the wings of inspiration. I experience fresh hope, and welcome with an open heart the healing ideas that bring mental and physical transformation.
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Truth still sets free

It may seem that technology, which is so often helpful in improving our lives but can also be used for criminal and hurtful purposes, far outstrips Jesus’ methods. But, in fact, the truth that Jesus preached and practiced is still fully effective in this age.
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TeenConnect: Q&A
I decided that if I was going to let something determine my identity, I needed to feel completely good about it. Astrology didn’t give me that. So I knew there had to be another way. 
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Testimony of Healing

Effects of accident healed

Later that day, my hearing was completely normal, and I noticed that the pain in my head and neck was gone, too.
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Testimony of Healing

Instantly free from cold symptoms

Holding to these solid and clear spiritual ideas, I finished my painting. All signs of the cold disappeared. Nothing of the condition lingered.
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Testimony of Healing

God’s unfailing care on a hike

My daughter asked if I realized how steep the descent had been and that there had been no apparent reason for my fall to stop.
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Bible Lens


Moving or reducing mountains was an ancient image for overcoming great difficulties or obstacles.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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