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“Hey, Knucklehead”

I’d believed I was a victim of another’s self-indulgence, but I realized that I had selfishly indulged in a false sense that God’s children could be a disturbance and that I was justified in taking matters into my own hands. I saw that, instead, I had to do my part to see everyone (including myself) as God has created us.
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Authenticating our identity throughout the day is not a mundane task when thinking in terms of our relation to God. It’s an ever-fresh discipline that brings us a better understanding of ourselves and others.
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We can never be outside of or displaced from our oneness with God, divine Love.
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Image and Inspiration
Let us run with patience the race that is set before us.
Hebrews 12:1

Generation G

Our true identity is not “generational” but is the reflection of God and is based entirely on how God sees us.
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TeenConnect: Q&A
After studying abroad in a country engaged in a war, this author shares her insights about how we can pray about conflicts today.
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Testimony of Healing

Healing of appendicitis

We had long relied on Christian Science for healing and found it to be very effective, so it was natural for us to rely on it now.
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Testimony of Healing
Soon I was healed of the blurry vision and could see clearly again. Then, one by one, over the next couple of months, all the other problems were healed also.
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Testimony of Healing

Leg injury healed

The next morning I woke up feeling perfectly well. I rode my bike and later went to my dance lesson.
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Bible Lens


To Paul, both the spirit and the understanding are vital to the encouragement and comfort of community members.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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