Discovering my life in God

Originally published in Spanish

I was born in Cuba, where at a very young age I was medically diagnosed with severe neurological deficiencies. I was expected to live for only 15 years. Therefore, my parents had little hope of setting an educational path for me that I could successfully follow. Despite the fact that they separated later on, I was happy and well cared for in my childhood.

When I moved to Nicaragua with my mother, she enrolled me in a school where I would learn English. I was ten at the time. At the school, we met a lady who was a Christian Scientist. She quickly became our friend and invited us to attend the Sunday church services and Wednesday testimony meetings organized by the members of the Christian Science group in the city of Managua, where we lived.

My mother and I went to the services and meetings regularly, and with the passing of time, I started learning more about this Science, which I felt was revealing to me something new and applicable to any situation in life. At first I was the only child in attendance. Since there was no Sunday School, I went to the services and meetings with the adults. I became familiar with the order of the services, with the Lord’s Prayer, and with some of the hymns in the Christian Science Hymnal. But what inspired me deeply were the words of “the scientific statement of being.”

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August 5, 2024

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