Healed of severe effects from a fall

Originally published in Portuguese

In March 2022, I fell down the stairs that lead to the top floor of my house, and my head hit the floor. According to my husband, I was unconscious for a few minutes, wasn’t breathing, and had no pulse. He ran out to the street to get help from the neighbors. When he returned, I was breathing but not coherent. He asked our neighbors to keep me immobilized on the floor until the emergency services he was going to call arrived. 

Even before regaining full consciousness, I asked my husband to call a Christian Science practitioner. (My husband has always supported my reliance upon Christian Science but is not a Christian Scientist himself.) He called the practitioner from my cellphone and put it on speaker. Later, when I was fully conscious, I remembered hearing the message, “You did not fall out of the Mind that is God; you did not fall out of the Love that is God. In the kingdom of God there are no accidents. You are an emanation of God, and you are intact and will remain intact forever.”

I was taken by ambulance to the emergency room of the hospital. X-rays and a tomography showed I had five broken ribs and some internal cranial bleeding. I was not afraid. I prayed and acknowledged that I was one with God—the only consciousness, which is All. I was certain that I was not separated from God.

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Testimony of Healing
Delivered from danger during a war
July 15, 2024

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