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Christ lifts us free from this joyless mental state that fails or refuses to see the spiritual identity of others, and it brings to light the consciousness that contributes to healing that cynicism cannot achieve.
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To the degree that we conscientiously think out from Christ Jesus’ teachings, we abide in the consciousness—the palatial “home”—of infinite Truth and Love.
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It’s not my house

The desire to understand and recognize God as both the creator of all and the architect, maintainer, and sustainer of our being is key to our spiritual growth. From that standpoint, we see only what is true in our own and others’ experiences.
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Foliage of Love

Like spiritual buds
Awaiting inevitable blooms,
An inner foliage revealed
The ever-present reality: …
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How I Found Christian Science
When I reached my hotel, the migraine was still there, but as soon as I opened the door to my room, it vanished. I was impressed! I realized that there must be something in the Christian Science approach to healing.
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Avery and the butterfly

Avery and her grandma thanked God for His loving care for all His creatures.
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Testimony of Healing
I realized I had been trying to convince myself that this wasp was harmless, useful, and indestructible, but I wasn’t really feeling sincere about this prayer. So I decided that since I wasn’t praying with honest conviction, I’d instead just listen to what God was telling me.
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Testimony of Healing
I reasoned that since God, good, fills all space, only good can spread, not anything bad such as an infection or itching; hence, these symptoms were no part of my true being.
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Testimony of Healing

Full restoration to health

The healing came gently but steadily, and my joy returned as I diligently held in thought my present perfection as God’s reflection.
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Bible Lens

Adam and Fallen Man

As the essence of materiality, dust cannot honor God, Spirit.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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