Who am I to withstand God?

Originally published for the Christian Science Sentinel online on January 19, 2024

When Truth is speaking, will I say, 
   “I’m not listening, go away”?
       Who am I to withstand God?

When Spirit mandates strength and light, 
   will I try to thwart God’s might?
       Who am I to withstand God?

When Love offers health and life, 
   will I insist on constant strife?
       Who am I to withstand God?

When Principle shows me the way,
   will I balk or hedge—delay?
       Who am I to withstand God?

When Mind communicates, “Fear not,” 
   will I complain, “Fear’s all I’ve got”?
       Who am I to withstand God? 

When Soul whispers, “Peace, be still,”
   will I let my heart be filled?
       Who am I to withstand God?

When Life tells me, “Give more—give!”
   will I love, which is to live?
       Who am I to withstand God?              

        Oh, who am I to withstand God?

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