Discard the label

Christian Science counsels patience as we grow in the understanding of our true spiritual nature and oneness with God. 

Years ago when I was the substitute leader for a group of people struggling with alcohol addiction, I was taken aback at how the members of the group introduced themselves. Each began by giving their name followed by the statement “and I’m an alcoholic.” While I understood and respected the fact that this was considered an important part of their treatment program, I couldn’t help but feel uncomfortable with anyone assuming that single label. It seemed to far outweigh recognition of their inherent goodness and the many positive qualities they could also claim to possess and express. When I suggested that they follow this statement by also identifying themselves with one or more constructive qualities, they gave me looks of incomprehension.

I was reminded of the story of Adam and Eve in the second and third chapters of the book of Genesis in the Bible. Believing themselves to be created of dust, or matter, they had only a material view of who they were, eventually labeling themselves and their nakedness as shameful. There was no sense of the rich, spiritual inheritance of goodness and dominion found in the Bible’s opening chapter. 

The spiritual account of creation in Genesis 1 states that “man” was made in God’s image and likeness, possessing dominion, and deemed “very good” (see verses 26, 27, 31). Therefore, according to the teachings of Christian Science, the true identity of every one of us lies not in some supposed material creation but in and as the expression or reflection of Spirit, God. 

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God helped me when I met a bear
October 28, 2024

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