God is “mightier than the noise of many waters”

God is ready to bless us because He loves us. He blessed me even when I did not feel “blessable.”

When it seems as though your ship is sinking, there is hope. When it seems as though you cannot be healed of a physical or mental problem, there is hope. There is more hope than you can imagine—and what’s more, there is spiritual Truth, which is available and ready to give you the insight you need to help you by revealing your status as a beautiful and beloved child of God.

Our identity is defined by God and cannot be found in the noise of human opinions.

In Christian Science, we learn that God is Truth. It is one of God’s many names. We also learn that He is not only Father but Mother to us. Father-Mother God, Truth, is ready. You are not an alienated human being awaiting redemption and healing. You are not fearful or powerless, nor can you be labeled as unhealable. You are God’s, divine Mind’s, spiritual idea and are living a spiritual life. You are parented and provided for by your Father-Mother God, who is always with you and who knows absolutely nothing material about you.

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My head was healed
August 5, 2024

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