Sharing happiness at camp

Sissy had counted the days until she could go to camp. It was her first time, and she was so excited. And camp was so fun at first! The counselors and campers were friendly, and she had fun swimming and riding horses with the girls from her cabin. But after the first day, Sissy wasn’t sure she wanted to stay. She was afraid she would miss her mom and dad and her dog, Teeny. 

That night, Sissy was sleepy and ready for bed. But when the counselor turned out the light, she suddenly felt very alone. She didn’t want to sleep in a bunk bed. She wanted to be at home in her own bed. She didn’t like listening to the owl out in the woods. She wanted to hear her mom’s voice. The more Sissy thought about being away from her parents, the sadder she felt. 

Sissy began to cry. She decided to tell her counselor in the morning that she didn’t want to stay at camp. Not one more day. And with that thought, she fell asleep. 

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Testimony of Healing
Persistent prayer fulfills yearning to be a mom
July 22, 2024

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