Finding refuge in church

In the collective worship of God, we can feel His love and protection and take that consciousness with us after the service.

Sometimes we may feel so overwhelmed by a situation that we seek a place of shelter or refuge. In the Bible, Noah and his family found safety from the great flood in an ark; David hid from King Saul in caves; and Joseph and Mary took the baby Jesus to Egypt, out of reach of Herod’s jealousy. All were urgently seeking safety from peril, and all were protected through listening for God’s guidance and following His direction.

While we may not face situations as desperate as those, are there places today where we can find refuge when we feel threatened? Yes! One always-ready, all-embracing place is church. Temples and churches have historically been bastions of refuge and security. For centuries, it was common and legal for people to claim sanctuary in a church to avoid capture or harm. Many churches today still provide sanctuary in the form of food and shelter for the homeless and indigent, including refugees. 

But church provides more than just a physical haven. Attending church can help us establish a mental haven from fear, loneliness, or oppressive beliefs about who we are or the dangers we face. Not only does church furnish an atmosphere of quiet and assurance—a refuge from the mental noise of the world—but the ideas and testimonies shared in Christian Science church services inspire us, encompass us, and give us the security that comes from getting to know God and our relation to Him. In the collective worship of God, we can feel our divine Father-Mother’s love and protection—even when joining a service online—and take that consciousness with us after the service. 

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“Let’s not leave him there”
June 17, 2024

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