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We live in a time when opinions, “hot takes,” and personal commentary are a regular part of how we relate to the world and each other. But how do we shift from being mainly observers and deconstructors to being participants and reconstructors?
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If you ever struggle to find healing, you can affirm—not as some sort of mantra but as irrefutable fact—that God loves you. You have the humility to yield to this love, which removes fear.
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Is your battery drained?

At the peak of my activity last fall, it felt as if I was spending all the time I was not in school, athletics, or church, at the STEM lab. It was a busy time, and I felt like a drained battery. While I enjoyed the work, it felt unsustainable. This is when I realized I needed a more spiritual view.
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Love is . . .

Love is not something to get
or to give away …
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How I found Christian Science
I learned that God, as divine Mind, is the source of all movement. This transformed my thought about the mobility difficulties. I immediately acquired the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, and soaked up its spiritual truths like a sponge.
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
Our “intuition” is actually God speaking to us. While I don’t need to walk around scared, I can be wise and listen for that inner guidance—God’s voice.
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Testimony of Healing
The pain left immediately. I sighed with relief and continued reading. I knew that I’d be able to do everything I had planned for the weekend.
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Testimony of Healing

Fractured knee healed

I had complete freedom of movement. Without surgery, through prayer alone, my leg was healed. Since then I have walked and hiked mountains freely.
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Testimony of Healing
I tried to look at my own losses as opportunities to gain a more expansive view of God. It was a trying time, but I knew that God supplies each of us with all that we need, just as He did for so many in the Bible.
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Bible Lens


Ruth’s model of selfless love has inspired respect and honor over the millenia.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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