Persistent prayer fulfills yearning to be a mom

It is hard for me to imagine life without Christian Science. From the time I was small and throughout my youth, I attended a Christian Science Sunday School. I learned early on that God is good and a constant presence. This spiritual fact has stayed with me over the years, even during those times when I let myself drift away from consistent study of the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, or when I wasn’t praying deeply or often.

Like others, I have had doubts and fears. I have had moments of despair and times when healing seemed elusive. But through it all, the Bible and Science and Health have been my companions, and when I’ve sincerely sought comfort and promise in their pages, I’ve found both.

Something I have appreciated about the Bible is that the individuals whose lives it recounts experienced many of the same difficulties and emotions we encounter today and that they overcame challenges through prayer. Their experiences can help guide us to healing.

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Testimony of Healing
Grateful for Christian Science nurses
July 22, 2024

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