Overcoming the Goliath of self

We are blessed when we are receptive and know our need of God and His qualities.

There it was again! These explosions of temper were growing more severe, and I needed help. 

Someone once said that the greatest Goliath we ever face may be the human self. The human ego can feel like a gigantic threat to peace and well-being. We might be well aware of the flaws and faults that this seeming material selfhood includes. But this is not our true, God-created individuality and is therefore a false sense of identity that can be courageously challenged and overcome through Christ, the benevolent, ever-active influence of divine Love. This understanding is where my search for healing began.

Christ Jesus was never in doubt as to who he was. He fully understood that his nature was Godlike, and he accepted that true identity. As children of God and followers of Jesus, we can do the same.

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“A heart softened, a character subdued”
June 10, 2024

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