Get off the hamster wheel

Turning to God in prayer enabled me to stop problem-based thinking.

Originally published in German

Do you, like me, ever find yourself investigating why you’re not feeling well, who or what could be at fault, and what went wrong to make you suffer this way? 

Speaking from my own experience, by searching for a cause, we become like a hamster on a wheel. We seem to be doing a lot, but we’re not getting anywhere. This “hamster wheel” mentality places the problem in the center and causes everything to revolve around it. It argues for the reality of sickness and inharmony. This point of view becomes a trap. It would trick us into trying to use prayer as a way of getting rid of a problem instead of seeing the problem for what it is: a lie about our true and present health and holiness—our Godlikeness.  

There’s a well-known saying: “Problems cannot be solved with the same mindset that created them.” Our thought has to change. The healing practice of Mary Baker Eddy, who discovered and founded Christian Science, corroborated this. She didn’t heal on the basis of a problem being real. She didn’t use prayer to fix something. Rather, she healed on the basis that God is infinite Love and that man (meaning all men and women) is the idea of God, the expression of divine goodness. Mrs. Eddy recognized that the wholeness and perfection of God and His creation, completely loved by God, precludes any possibility of sickness or discord. With this understanding, she healed problems of all kinds.

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How I Found Christian Science
My first healing
August 12, 2024

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