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Heartfelt gratitude to God for the good in our lives is a multiplier of that good.
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Good: Already at hand

If there is a turn, an unexpected bump in the road, or even a disaster, we can still keep our thought aligned with God—with Love as the compass guiding us.
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When the wildfire approached

Instead of thinking of myself and the others as fire evacuees in a situation that was outside of God’s care, I found it comforting to remember that God was already right there and that we could remain untouched by anything that appeared to exist outside of the ever-presence of God, divine Love.
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No back talk!

I am even more confident that we can turn to God for effective and reliable spiritual solutions to health problems—with no fear of back talk.
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How I Found Christian Science

Changing the story of suffering

I would stop in front of the church’s Reading Room window and read articles and testimonies in O Arauto da Ciência Cristã,. I felt that what I read was what I had always been seeking, and I wanted to be part of this religion.
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
Just as darkness has no power to oppose the dawn of a new day, God’s love and its transforming effect cannot be stopped.
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The Love-lit road

God has laid His 
   precious stones
along a path that 
   leads to good.
The hurried ...
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We’re grateful for you!

The same power that healed you has healed us, too. Another reason to be grateful!
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Testimony of Healing

Freed from rash and pain

I persevered in turning to God, and soon all trace of the rash, discomfort, and pain left. 
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Testimony of Healing

Triumph in church

I was filled with gratitude and joy because the healing message had come to me so clearly. As we drove home, I realized that I was completely well.
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Testimony of Healing
I was so confident in my God-given perfection and health that I joyfully gave thanks to God for this healing. Soon after, the symptoms dissipated, then disappeared completely.
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Bible Lens
When God’s might is exercised, wickedness is swept away.
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Bible Lens
The commitment call to exalt the name of the one God reverberates throughout Hebrew Scripture.
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Letters & Conversations

Such a powerful, clear article! I too love the book of Revelation.
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