Letters & Conversations

> Tony Lovett, “My client, the Christian Scientist,” Sentinel, May 6, 2024

I loved this! It reminds me of my father’s healing of drinking and smoking after he was introduced to Christian Science.

The publications of The Mother Church continue to inspire me and lift my thoughts to a higher standard. Wonderful reminders come to me in the early morning, like this one today: Rely on the strength of the Lord and “the power of his might” (Ephesians 6:10).

Heather Eagen, Kemptville, Ontario, Canada

Thank you to the author for sharing how he was introduced to Christian Science. It was so encouraging to hear about the conviction in God’s absolute control by those Christian Scientists with whom he had contact early in his experience. I especially loved hearing about the saving of the crops.

Julie Swannell, Finikas, Syros, Greece

> Klaus Herm, “Moving freely again,” Sentinel, March 25, 2024

Thank you for sharing this healing. I so understand Mary Baker Eddy’s provision for testimonies of healing in the Christian Science periodicals. Each one adds to the tapestry of Christian Science healing and fills in a space with exquisite work.

Caroline Long, Franklin, KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa

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June 17, 2024

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