Letters & Conversations

> Name Withheld, “In search of joy,Sentinel, September 2, 2024

This is a very inspiring article, with an assurance of promise and fulfillment. It reminds me of this passage from Miscellaneous Writings 1883–1896: “The spiritual leaven of divine Science changes this false sense, giving better views of Life; saying, Man’s Life is God; and when this shall appear, it shall be ‘the substance of things hoped for’ ” (Mary Baker Eddy, p. 175). Dear Editors, thank you so much for the vast good work.

Gatwiri Isaac, Nanyuki, Kenya

> Tony Lobl, “Seeking solutions? Find Truth.Sentinel, September 2, 2024

Excellent! This editorial was just what I needed this morning. Practical answers, needs met, spiritual growth through prayer, and spiritual reasoning. So grateful for our periodicals!

Linda Vara, Las Vegas, Nevada, US

> TeenConnect, Nancy New, “Feeling scared? God is there.” cssentinel.com, August 20, 2024

This was a wonderful article! It was clear, and the prayers were beautifully answered right up to the “angel” fish! Thank you.

Marilyn Hesche, Spring Valley, California, US

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October 7, 2024

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