Letters & Conversations

> Lyle Young, “Bringing stability to unstable times,” Sentinel, June 17, 2024

This editorial is timely, practical, inspiring, and so needed in these times. It invites us to use familiar ideas in fresh, focused ways.

Christopher Bowers, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

> Sue Brightman, “ ‘Let’s not leave him there,’ ” Sentinel, June 17, 2024

Thank you for publishing this powerful and helpful article. It is a good reminder to not think of someone in the same way you may have thought of them yesterday or years ago, as we all are progressing in our demonstration of eternal Life!

Louise Thornton, St. Louis, Missouri, US

> Diane Bradshaw, “Baby protected during pregnancy,” Sentinel, June 17, 2024

What a wonderful, inspiring testimony. Thank you.

Helen Dix, Cape Town, Western Province, South Africa

> Winnie, “Learning to listen to God,” Sentinel, June 17, 2024

I love the spirit of inclusiveness this sweet article conveys; it’s so important. Thank you, dear Sentinel.

Missy Williams, Jerseyville, Illinois, US

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

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July 29, 2024

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