Burned out or fired up?

It’s natural for us to do what we love with excellence and joy and to love what we do.

Being beyond exhausted is not a good feeling. I speak from experience. Some years ago I got burned out and didn’t see it coming. I wasn’t aware of how common burnout is. In my case, the situation was compounded by sleeping issues.

Since childhood, I have been a disciplined hard worker and have never felt worn out. I didn’t even feel that I had to sleep regular hours. This continued into adulthood, at which point family members expressed concern, while colleagues sometimes jested that I didn’t seem to sleep at all. Without realizing it, I had reached a point where I slept very little and was sometimes unable to sleep at all. 

Reading Christ Jesus’ healings in the Bible, however, inspired me to deal with the burnout and insomnia. They reassured me that the healing Christ, Truth, was constantly providing me with thoughts from God, which support health, peace, and joy, so that I could better serve God and bless others. I looked to the Gospels to find out more about Jesus’ beautiful ministry, where he healed multitudes of all kinds of afflictions and even raised the dead. 

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TeenConnect: Your Healings
God’s guidance during my travels
September 9, 2024

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