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While not all healings are as immediate as those that Jesus did, all discomfort and distress are subject to the truth that his healings proved.
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I was leaning, looking, and actually seeing both God and myself through new eyes. I was realizing God’s blessing right there—discerning something of the goodness of God and seeing myself and all of creation reflecting that goodness as an undeniable present fact.
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Belief is like a caterpillar—
       crawling here and there,
then entering its chrysalis
       of faith ...
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Though daily life was a challenge, step by step I became stronger and clearer in my understanding of the ever-presence and all-power of God, good. In fact, I discovered that recognizing that good is at hand even in hard times teaches us that we can still help others even while working our way out of troubling circumstances.
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The fowls, which fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven, correspond to aspirations soaring beyond and above corporeality to the understanding of the incorporeal and divine Principle, Love.—Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, pp. 511–512
Decline is a counterfeit picture of man and the universe. 
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TeenConnect: Trending
When a ferocious storm hit during a camping trip, this author found comfort and safety by praying with a Bible passage that promised “perfect peace.”
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Testimony of Healing
I continually affirmed that I express God’s perfect, spiritual sight, which is indestructible and not a function of physical eyes. These affirmations slowly but surely destroyed the thought of imperfect sight.
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Testimony of Healing

A midnight victory

I realized that the chest pain and weight had vanished. That was more than a year ago, and they have not returned.
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Testimony of Healing

Feeling God’s love heals

I reasoned that God wouldn’t create a disease or allow the existence of anything that could harm His children, and this helped me to be less impressed with the symptoms. 
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Bible Lens


John’s revelation portrays a city needing neither gate nor light. The glory of God and His Son guarantees spiritual light and safety throughout this new Jerusalem.
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Bible Lens
The commitment call to exalt the name of the one God reverberates throughout Hebrew Scripture.
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Letters & Conversations

After reading this poem, I now more carefully cherish each holy word of the Bible Lesson in the Christian Science Quarterly, taking care not to skim over any part of it.
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