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In order to be free of the exhaustion of inharmony, it is natural—spiritually innate—for us to seek something else, to reverse direction, to move toward safer, more peaceful ground. 
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While my husband called the police, I stood between the two groups and prayed.
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Holy joy

God-sourced joy is constant. There’s not one news report that can get under its skin, not one anxious thought, threatening storm, or terror that can shake it.
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Leaping words

the poet understands
that writing is 
            not simply
                        thinking thoughts
                        delving deep
                        watching words
            but …
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Church and the demonstration of supply

My branch Church of Christ, Scientist in Rio de Janeiro was dealing with limited supply and had to confront fear, expect good, and obey the inspirations that unfolded through prayer.
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TeenConnect: Trending
Sadness seemed so appealing at the time because it allowed me to be a victim and blame the world for my problems. I realized, though, that I did want to be happy.
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Testimony of Healing

Protected from contagion

I’m grateful for the ability we all have to defend ourselves through prayer from beliefs regarding illness, and for the fact that we can include our loved ones and others in this prayer as well. 
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Testimony of Healing
I looked back through a journal I keep that chronicles my healings and spiritual progress. The review brought renewed inspiration.
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Testimony of Healing
I prayed confidently, knowing that God’s law of good was governing my grandson and that all he could experience was good.
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Bible Lens


God guarantees transformation and renewal in the midst of barrenness.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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