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By loving those we feel least inclined to—whether personal acquaintances or people in the headlines—we stand for the reality the world so needs to understand and prove: we are all sisters and brothers in the all-harmonious, spiritual family of our heavenly Father-Mother.
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Instead of arguing against the promise of freedom or insisting that the problem was too big, I let myself be open to the presence of God.
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When thought waits in silence,
Yearning for God’s presence,
Don’t fret—look up!
Love illumines your . . .
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The “flashlight of Truth”

Our spiritual senses let in the light of Truth, which shows us the actual reality: the presence of divine Love meeting all our needs. When we look, hear, and feel with our spiritual senses, the scene shifts, and we see, feel, and hear what God has already given us. 
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How I Found Christian Science

“Your search is over”

I was learning that God is good and loving. He doesn’t send hardships to us. These result from thinking that we exist separate from, or without, God and we are healed as we understand our oneness with Him and our likeness to Him.
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I know that God never leaves me because He’s everywhere, and I am protected by His love.
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Testimony of Healing

Healed of Covid-19

Once I let go of discouragement and took a stand for God’s pure and constant care and love, I was quickly free from all the symptoms and have remained so ever since.
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Testimony of Healing
I realized that I sometimes stall out in my prayers because I think I need to do or be something special, know and understand just the right truth, or change my “evil ways” to be loved enough by God to be healed. This is not the way God sees me.
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Testimony of Healing
The classmate expressed sincere regret for bullying our son, who was happy to forgive him. The bullying never happened again.
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Bible Lens


“Windows of heaven” is a biblical image for the divine source of water and sustenance.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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