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What the heart wants

To be effective, prayer needs to be God centered, not “me” centered. Of course God meets our practical needs. The Bible tells us that God loves us, and He does. We see our needs met as we grow in our love for both God and man and act on that love.  
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Making the effort to understand spiritual reality and our unbreakable relationship to God brings good to all of the other endeavors of life.
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Inspiration, rest, productivity, comfort, alertness, energy, and satisfaction are all qualities of God that we each include as God’s image and likeness. Knowing this, we reach less and less for what doesn’t serve us or help us see God as the continuous source of these qualities.
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
I felt a deep, persistent desire to understand this Science and to really know God. I wanted the kind of knowing that comes from a direct, definitive experience of the divine presence in my life—giving me a foundation I could stand on even if doubts or questions arose.
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TeenConnect: Q&A
I began considering the God-given, spiritual qualities that I naturally express, such as strength, resilience, goodness, and joy. I started to realize that these qualities couldn’t come and go; they were hardwired in me.
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Testimony of Healing
The moment my thought changed, the problem disappeared. I had experienced spiritual healing.
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Testimony of Healing
A few days later, the skin dried and regenerated, looking like new. Not even a scar remained.
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Testimony of Healing

Fatigue gone

What a joy and relief it is to know our one true source, God, supplies all needs. 
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Loud and clear

I listen, opening my thought—
no preconceptions when I pray.
I clear the clutter from my mind …
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Bible Lens

Christian Science

Jesus expresses absolute conviction about the continuation and growth of Christian healing.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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