Safe in an undertow

In Christian Science we learn that Spirit is a synonym for God and that spiritual sense is our innate ability to understand God. Spiritual sense enables us to be guided by Spirit in the right direction.

When I teach the younger children in Sunday School, we talk about the fact that we can’t see Spirit with our eyes but can see it expressed in what is good and lasting. We also talk about how Christ Jesus walked over the rough waves (see Mark 6:45–51). Jesus knew that Spirit moved him to wherever he needed to be. He completely trusted God and knew that God has total control over His creation, including the sea. He knew that God’s law of good could be seen, felt, and demonstrated.

One time, while stationed at a naval base in Hawaii, I went to a local beach with some friends. They fell asleep on the beach, and I decided to take a swim to cool off. After I had swum out a short distance, I suddenly realized that an undertow had me in its grip. The more I struggled, the further out I was carried, until I couldn’t see the beach. I yelled, but no one could hear me. I panicked, and my thinking became wildly confused.

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Testimony of Healing
Walking freely, freed from sorrow
June 10, 2024

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