Grateful for Christian Science nurses

I would like to express my appreciation for Christian Science nurses and Christian Science nursing facilities and for how they work as a team with Christian Science practitioners. I learned firsthand of their wonderful and loving work as a team of healers.

Two years ago, I was unloading the car after returning from errands, and the next thing I knew, I was waking up on the garage floor. I didn’t know what had happened or how long I had been there but realized that I had hit my head hard and that my body was bruised. I thought, “OK, I need help.” But I was alone. My husband was in another state.

I called a Christian Science practitioner. She immediately started praying and asked whom she could call to come stay with me until a visiting Christian Science nurse could arrive. The thought came to call a new friend on our street. She came over right away and stayed near me. She never questioned why I did not want medical treatment, but only asked what I wanted. I was so grateful that I had been guided to think of her. 

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Testimony of Healing
Sudden pain and fear gone
July 22, 2024

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