AI’s need for our higher nature

The technology known as artificial intelligence (AI) is growing exponentially; it already touches many aspects of our lives and includes both promises to be fulfilled and perils to be averted. Artificial intelligence is defined as “the capability of computer systems or algorithms to imitate intelligent human behavior” ( It has brought not only usefulness but also profound questions about, for instance, what intelligence is and what it means to think. 

This rapidly expanding technology calls for us to answer these questions and others by better understanding and demonstrating our true, spiritual nature as the expression of the omnipotent divine Mind, or God, that is the source of all intelligence—is, in fact, intelligence itself. Our spiritual individuality is real and present now, giving us authority over all human innovation. 

AI draws on extensive databases of open and public sources and includes information that can be factual and/or brilliant but also fabricated and/or biased. Higher forms of AI can automate, innovate, and analyze processes and determine outcomes. If this tool is to be safely developed up to its maximum potential for good, it needs to be governed by something higher. It requires the context and insight that come from moral reasoning, spiritual intuition, and receptivity to the infinite intelligence that is the divine Mind. This is the exercise of our innate spiritual sense. 

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The path out of hatred
September 16, 2024

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