My life changed forever

I have always believed in God, but since being introduced to Christian Science, I see God in a new way and acknowledge and proclaim His power and allness. 

The events that led me to this point began one Wednesday in early 2020 when my daughter-in-law called to tell me that my elder son, normally a strong, healthy man, was extremely sick. The symptoms were alarming. We immediately took him to the nearest hospital. That night, the doctor told us my son had tested positive for Covid-19, and I was filled with fear.

Soon after midnight, my son called me. He sounded very afraid. I started to pray to God. I prayed all night. The next morning my daughter-in-law and I were told that because we had been exposed to the virus, we were required to isolate at home.

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My evening and my morning prayer
June 10, 2024

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