When I broke through resistance to testimony meetings

I was led back to where I wanted and needed to be. 

Last year, a few days before a midweek testimony meeting at church, I was asked if I would substitute for our First Reader. Though I had a very busy week ahead, the request came at just the right time for me to dive in and prepare readings from the textbooks of Christian Science—the Bible, and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I was pleased to help, grateful for the impetus to do some extra prayer and study, and awed by the synchronicity of the request with the time I had available.

The theme “spiritual honesty” came quickly to mind. I had been considering the importance of being clear in our thinking about what we really believe and know and then being honest with ourselves when we aren’t really acknowledging and trusting our convictions. I marveled at how smoothly the week went as I was cherishing my preparation for the church meeting.

I knew that there was no power that could distract me from my divine purpose or any activities that supported it. 

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Lessons from volunteering at a prison
May 27, 2024

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