Healed after fall from horse

A couple of summers ago, my husband and I attended a camp where one of the activities involved horseback riding. At one point, the horse I was riding bolted. My reins became tangled and, unable to slow the horse down, I fell off, landing on my side. I immediately declared the truth that God is All and that I was one with God and therefore safe and protected. Then I fainted. I woke up to hear a staff member’s friend, an Emergency Medical Technician, saying that I should go to the local clinic.

The camp is run by Christian Scientists and has a small Christian Science care facility, and I chose to go there instead to be cared for by a Christian Science nurse. My ribs, left side, and left arm were very uncomfortable, and I continued to pray. I listened to hymns and that week’s Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly. I also spoke on the phone several times with a Christian Science practitioner. 

The practitioner shared many wonderful truths that helped lift my thinking above the false impression that I could ever be separated from God and subject to an accident. She helped me see that when our thoughts are filled with divine Love, we are conscious of the allness of God, good. Love opens us up to the Christ, Truth, and we comprehend what we truly are—a perfect, spiritual, cherished creation of Spirit, God. 

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Doctrine of Atonement
October 14, 2024

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