I got back on my bike the next day!

I was riding my bike with my dad and sister to a summer camp in my neighborhood. It was a nice summer morning. 

When we crossed a big road by our house, I swerved really hard because a car was coming. I fell off my bike and slid on my shoulder. I started crying because I was scraped up. My dad and sister came over to me. Dad helped me up and told me that Love, God, is all around me, just like I’d learned in Christian Science Sunday School.

Then Dad took us home. I was still crying when we got back to the house. I wasn’t very calm. My dad cleaned me up, and we called a Christian Science practitioner. She talked to me about how I’m cared for and watched over by God, so I’m always safe. I know that God never leaves me because He’s everywhere, and I am protected by His love, like my dad said. The practitioner also helped me remember that thoughts like being afraid to ride my bike again or being scared of cars on the street can’t control me, because they’re not from God. God gives me only good thoughts.

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Testimony of Healing
Healed of Covid-19
February 12, 2024
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