Rupture between neighbors healed

Originally published in Spanish

I would like to share a healing that came about several years ago through the study of Christian Science. 

My apartment complex has a large garage in the basement, and I share two of the parking spaces with the apartment above me. The spaces are in tandem, which means the person parking first has to move all the way forward to give the other driver space to park behind. This can be inconvenient because whenever the car in front needs to move out of the garage, the car behind it also needs to be moved. (The keys are left inside the cars, and the cars are left unlocked for access to move them.) 

For about two years, the apartment above was empty, and I was the only one using the two spaces. When it was sold, a young couple with a little girl moved in, and the husband did not want to share the two parking spaces with me but wanted both for himself. He threatened to hire a lawyer and told me that he had the right to buy my space from the owner of my apartment. And he tried to pressure the owner to sell him the space. I really needed that parking space, though, because it was near my apartment and I had young children. 

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Testimony of Healing
Praying for the world dispels exhaustion
September 2, 2024

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