Be a watchful porter

Thoughts from God are wholly pure. They are good. They are reassuring and guiding.

Sometimes, something we’ve read and pondered over and over sinks so deep into thought that we embody it, often without realizing it. More than just memorizing the words, we feel their meaning in our heart and soul, and they can’t be taken from us. For many, this is true of passages from the Bible, and they inspire and heal us. I’ve often written notes next to Bible verses about how they led to a healing—for instance, “healed of an earache” or “overcame intense fear” or “forgave a neighbor.”

While we may have had experiences where a specific spiritual truth has brought healing without much effort, there have likely also been those where we’ve needed to stay with one or more truths a bit more—persist in our spiritual stand—or even roll up our proverbial sleeves and dig in until we see and feel God’s power in the situation.

We can stay alert to what is coming to our thought moment by moment.

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