The “mind of Christ” is yours!

What if we have become entrenched in the belief that our feelings, assumptions, and human history are who we actually are? 

Being bombarded by fear, sadness, or regret, then getting stuck in rumination and feeling helpless to stop it, is a little like driving your car in a downpour with the windshield wipers on full speed. It can be overwhelming, maybe a bit scary, and the wipers can barely keep up with the pounding rain. If you have ever felt this way, you’re not alone. Many have faced this, including me. 

You may wonder why you are having these thoughts. Perhaps guilt settles in. Then along comes the temptation to believe that you could somehow be punished for harboring these thoughts. But God is not the author of such thinking. It’s the human mind that makes us feel susceptible to heavy thoughts, condemns us for them, and then convinces us that our thoughts are the cause of our suffering. Much of our energy is then spent trying to think all the right thoughts and feeling anxious that if we don’t, we’ll invite more doom and gloom into our experience. It’s
exhausting, to say the least, and certainly a miserable state to be in.

The good news is that no one has to live this way! Why? Because “we have the mind of Christ,” as the Bible promises (I Corinthians 2:16). This mind—which is the divine Mind, God—gave Jesus his spiritual-mindedness. Jesus was so aware of the totality of God’s love that he was unfazed by surface appearances and the clamoring deceptions of the physical senses. His consciousness, inspired by Spirit, God, perceived perfection, innocence, and health in the face of debility, sin, and illness, and it was this consciousness—the Mind of Christ—that healed. 

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In search of joy
September 2, 2024

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