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The Christian Science Monitor
After services attended by her family relatives, the members of her household, officials of The Christian Science Church and Publishing Society, and her personal students residing in Greater Boston, the body of the Rev. Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science and author of its text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." was placed today in the receiving vault at Mt. Auburn cemetery.
The funeral services at the Chestnut Hill home at eleven o'clock were simple and were conducted with quiet dignity. A great hall divides the house. At the left are two parlors, and in the rear parlor, in the bay window, was the casket of massive bronze containing the body of Mrs. Eddy. Upon the casket was a bunch of pink roses from the members of the household. This was the only floral offering to be seen. The casket was opened, so that all might see the well-known face before the journey to the cemetery. Mrs. Eddy's son, grandchildren, and adopted son, who had a view yesterday, were also in the line that filed past the casket today. In the rear of the hall Judge Clifford P. Smith, First Reader of The Mother Church, who conducted the services, was stationed. Those invited to the services were in the hall, the front parlor, and the library, to the right of the entrance. Grouped on the second floor at the head of the wide staircase were the members of Mrs. Eddy's household. The members of the family were in the room where the casket rested. The old-rose draperies harmonized with the wall decorations, and the soft light of day illuminated the surroundings.
Among those in attendance were Mrs. Eddy's son, George Washington Glover of Lead, S. D., his daughter, Mary Baker Glover, and his son, George Washington Glover, Jr., Dr. E. J. Foster of Waterbury, Vt., Mrs. Eddy's adopted son, and other relatives, including Gen. Henry M. Baker of Bow, N. H., Mrs. Eddy's cousin; John B. Baker of Concord, N. H., another cousin of Mrs. Eddy, and his son Rufus; Calvin A. Frye, Mrs. Laura Sargent, Adam H. Dickey, the Rev. I. C. Tomlinson, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Rathvon and Mrs. Martha W. Wilcox, members of Mrs. Eddy's household; Josiah E. Fernald of Concord, N. H., one of Mrs. Eddy's trustees; Archibald McLellan, Stephen A. Chase, Allison V. Stewart, and John V. Dittemore, of the Christian Science board of directors; William H. Baldwin of New York, President of The Mother Church; Alfred Farlow, committee on publication of The First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, and a number of Mrs. Eddy's personal students. In all about one hundred and twenty persons were present.
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December 17, 1910 issue
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Archibald McLellan
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy, Mrs. H.M. Mason
with contributions from J. L. Van Derwerker, Richard W. Irwin, George C. Mastin, Charles Hillman Brough, Robert F. Leavens, Hugh Morrow, S. P. Kaier
It is with great pleasure that I add my testimony to the...
William A. Bonshor
For the benefit of those who are sick and in trouble, who...
Bessie M. Grout
The outward manifestations of God's goodness in physical...
Edith E. Brown
Although "mine enemies"—my mortal thoughts and...
Sadie M. Evarts
I wish to tell briefly what Christian Science has done...
F. Leslie Meeker
It is surely due that I return thanks for the many blessings...
A. Vernon Ransdell
Many good things have come to me through Christian Science...
Hettie Templeman
For many years I had suffered from nervousness and...
E. J. Crymble
It is with sincere gratitude for the many blessings which...
Margaret F. Crowson
I first heard of Christian Science through the healing...
Carrie Patterson
In September, 1909, our little girl, four years old, was...
Hattie D. Cleland
with contributions from Washington Gladden, R. J. Campbell, Harold Begbie, Pemberton Hale Cressey