services attended by her family relatives, the members of her household, officials of The Christian Science Church and Publishing Society, and her personal students residing in Greater Boston, the body of the Rev.
The deep sorrow felt by Christian Scientists over the loss of their Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, will be shared by people of broad sympathies outside that church who regret the passing of any notable figure.
Whether one agrees or disagrees with the Christian Science faith in its concept and practice, few, we think, will deny to the Founder of that church the laurels of greatness and the right to be called "a wonderful woman.
The passing of Mary Baker Eddy removes one who for more than a generation past has been a force of exceptional magnitude in the spiritual life of a large following.
The death of Mary Baker Eddy well might serve as inspiration for a new beatitude: Blessed are they who need no monument; their names are graven on many hearts.
It is peculiarly characteristic of Massachusetts, so generally derided as hard-fisted, unsentimental, and ultra-practical, that here spiritual and emotional ideas take strongest root.
No just or accurate estimate of the character and work of Mary Baker Eddy is possible at this time, and anything that may be attempted in that direction must necessarily fail of the approval of a very considerable number of people.
Whatever may be the opinion of the world at large upon the doctrines inculcated by the church of which she was the Founder, it is a question whether Mary Baker Eddy in the building up of this organization of half a million fervently loyal adherents has not outdone the achievement of any other woman who ever lived.
Whatever may be the judgment of history concerning this remarkable woman and the great organization which she was largely instrumental in building up, this much at least must be said now: Mrs.
seems only fitting at this time to devote a large portion of our space in this issue of the Sentinel to exerpts from the columns upon columns of editorial comment that have appeared in the secular press during the past week,—a tribute in its apprehension and appreciation of the greatness of our beloved Leader and the work she has done for humanity at large, as generous as it is wide-spread.
solicitous urgency of the two angels, the messengers of Truth, who figure in the story of Lot's escape from Sodom, their compelling cry, "Escape for thy life," fittingly illustrates that persistent call to and following after the sons of men, if haply they may be saved, which speaks in human terms for the ceaseless activity of divine Love.
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy, Mrs. H.M. Mason
The temple of First Church of Christ, Scientist, at Seventh avenue and Commerce street, formerly the Episcopal Church of the Advent, purchased and improved at a cost of $35,000, was formally dedicated Sunday morning [Nov.
For the benefit of those who are sick and in trouble, who do not know God, and very little if anything of Christian Science, I wish to give this testimony.
The outward manifestations of God's goodness in physical healing are indeed wonderful and glorious; but to the earnest Scientist who is striving every day to cast out evil from his thought and to have only the Mind of Christ, the inward renewing is the greater cause for rejoicing; the wonderful glimpses of Truth, the daily increasing understanding, which brings with it increased power over evil,—these are our greatest blessings.
Although "mine enemies"—my mortal thoughts and fears—have many times seemed to pursue me most persistently, and to come in almost overwhelming numbers, yet always there has been help received through the study of Science and Health or some other of our Christian Science literature, to put them to flight and to enable me to press on more vigorously in order to destroy them utterly.
For many years I had suffered from nervousness and kidney trouble, and about a year and a half ago a dear friend advised me to read the Bible and also "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs.
When but a child, I used to read the command of our dear Master to preach the gospel and heal the sick, and I wondered why people now did not heal the sick as he did.
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