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I wish to tell briefly what Christian Science has done...
I wish to tell briefly what Christian Science has done for me. I had been sick for a period of about seven years, my trouble having come from overwork. In November, 1908, I left San Francisco for San Diego, seeking health in a change of climate. Prior to this I had fallen three times from heart trouble. I also had bronchial trouble, accompanied with a bad cough, which had been with me for about five years day night. I had not been able to retain any solid food for over a year. My kidneys were said to be diseased and I did not sleep well. I had been treated for these troubles by doctors and magnetic healers until they could do nothing more for me.
In December, 1908, I decided to take up Christian Science as a last resort. While in San Diego I was sent to a practitioner by a friend who was not a Christian Scientist. After the first treatment the pain in the head left me, and inside of five days I was able to get some rest. I had been obliged to sit up in a chair at night for some time. On being relieved of the pain. I began to realize that Christian Science had something more behind it than human will–power; so I continued to take treatment, and was healed. The practitioner explained to me that Christian Science, when lived, means more than the mere healing of the body. It purifies character and brings happiness, where without Christian Science there would only be trouble.
F. Leslie Meeker, Oakland, Cal.
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December 17, 1910 issue
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Archibald McLellan
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy, Mrs. H.M. Mason
with contributions from J. L. Van Derwerker, Richard W. Irwin, George C. Mastin, Charles Hillman Brough, Robert F. Leavens, Hugh Morrow, S. P. Kaier
It is with great pleasure that I add my testimony to the...
William A. Bonshor
For the benefit of those who are sick and in trouble, who...
Bessie M. Grout
The outward manifestations of God's goodness in physical...
Edith E. Brown
Although "mine enemies"—my mortal thoughts and...
Sadie M. Evarts
I wish to tell briefly what Christian Science has done...
F. Leslie Meeker
It is surely due that I return thanks for the many blessings...
A. Vernon Ransdell
Many good things have come to me through Christian Science...
Hettie Templeman
For many years I had suffered from nervousness and...
E. J. Crymble
It is with sincere gratitude for the many blessings which...
Margaret F. Crowson
I first heard of Christian Science through the healing...
Carrie Patterson
In September, 1909, our little girl, four years old, was...
Hattie D. Cleland
with contributions from Washington Gladden, R. J. Campbell, Harold Begbie, Pemberton Hale Cressey