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The belief that a public expression of my gratitude may...
The belief that a public expression of my gratitude may help others, impels me to place my experience in writing. As a member of the legal profession, I had until three years ago considered that the only rules for personal action were those evolved by men as regulations of human conduct. God was never near to me, and was considered more as the court of last resort, to which I might some day appeal if I ever became dissatisfied with or fearful of the outcome of the battles which I imagined I was then fighting, or might thereafter be called upon to fight. I had for upward of fifteen years been addicted to the use of intoxicating liquor, and frequently found what I thought was amusement and pleasure in intoxication, reveling in intemperance in many forms. Professional work was being neglected, property interests were becoming apparently hopelessly involved, and my friends and associates were filled with sorrow and resentment because of my misdoings. I had for months been closely associated with Christian Scientists, occasionally conversing with them about Science, but never agreeing with them as to its power to heal sin and disease, and frequently ridiculing it and glorying in any publication or item of news which attempted to belittle it.
In July, 1907, after a period of gross indulgence, a dear friend in words of earnestness and love asked me if I would give Christian Science a trial and take treatment for the awful sin of intemperance with which I was beset. I believe it was the brotherly love in that request which called forth without hesitation a promise to give it a trial and see a practitioner the following day. That same day I made an appointment, kept it, and received a treatment lasting about thirty minutes. In those few minutes the appetites and passions of over fifteen years were so completely destroyed by Truth, that strong drink, and all that goes with the indulgence therein, lost all attraction, and all sense of its necessity to my quickened sense was destroyed.
This healing was followed by a period of reconstruction. I took up the study of Christian Science, finding undreamed of joys and comforts as I progressed. My wife and son followed me in the investigation. A year later we became members of a Christian Science church, and now find daily comfort in holding fast to Truth and studying the beautiful and strong Lesson-Sermons which our Quarterly supplies, incidentally reaping the glorious benefit and understanding which come from using our text-book, which is in fact a "Key to the Scriptures." With our advancement in this great religion of Life and Love; the financial difficulties which once beset us disappeared; I found a stronger and clearer mentality to apply in my professional work, followed by marked successes in my practice; and the fear, doubt, and uncertainty of the old thought was replaced by faith, confidence, and sure-footedness.
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December 17, 1910 issue
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Archibald McLellan
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy, Mrs. H.M. Mason
with contributions from J. L. Van Derwerker, Richard W. Irwin, George C. Mastin, Charles Hillman Brough, Robert F. Leavens, Hugh Morrow, S. P. Kaier
It is with great pleasure that I add my testimony to the...
William A. Bonshor
For the benefit of those who are sick and in trouble, who...
Bessie M. Grout
The outward manifestations of God's goodness in physical...
Edith E. Brown
Although "mine enemies"—my mortal thoughts and...
Sadie M. Evarts
I wish to tell briefly what Christian Science has done...
F. Leslie Meeker
It is surely due that I return thanks for the many blessings...
A. Vernon Ransdell
Many good things have come to me through Christian Science...
Hettie Templeman
For many years I had suffered from nervousness and...
E. J. Crymble
It is with sincere gratitude for the many blessings which...
Margaret F. Crowson
I first heard of Christian Science through the healing...
Carrie Patterson
In September, 1909, our little girl, four years old, was...
Hattie D. Cleland
with contributions from Washington Gladden, R. J. Campbell, Harold Begbie, Pemberton Hale Cressey