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If history makes clear any one fact, it is that contemporaneous...
Grand Rapids (Mich.) Evening Press
If history makes clear any one fact, it is that contemporaneous judgments are often inaccurate. The perspective of time is necessary to a calm analysis of the influences which shape thought. Posterity more than once has rejected those acclaimed prophets in a bygone day and crowned those who were overlooked by their fellows.
The axiom will hold good in the case of Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, who died Saturday evening. The world is too close to her life and her work to give an unbiased decision as to their significance. On the one hand are her thousands of followers, scattered in almost every civilized land, who believe she has given to the world a real message of peace, hope, and ultimate freedom from the ills to which flesh so long has been heir. On the other hand are her many critics, some bitter, some mild, but all denying her doctrines.
Whatever the future has to tell of Mrs. Eddy and her teaching, and aside from whatever opinion one may have as to the tenets she preached, it is certain that she has been a powerful factor in current thought. The growth of Christian Science as the sincere belief of men and women of varied classes, the hundreds of magnificent churches which have been reared by her disciples, and, most of all, the enormous circulation of her book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," proves that. Through Mrs. Eddy thousands believe they found the way to health.
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December 17, 1910 issue
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Archibald McLellan
John B. Willis
Annie M. Knott
with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy, Mrs. H.M. Mason
with contributions from J. L. Van Derwerker, Richard W. Irwin, George C. Mastin, Charles Hillman Brough, Robert F. Leavens, Hugh Morrow, S. P. Kaier
It is with great pleasure that I add my testimony to the...
William A. Bonshor
For the benefit of those who are sick and in trouble, who...
Bessie M. Grout
The outward manifestations of God's goodness in physical...
Edith E. Brown
Although "mine enemies"—my mortal thoughts and...
Sadie M. Evarts
I wish to tell briefly what Christian Science has done...
F. Leslie Meeker
It is surely due that I return thanks for the many blessings...
A. Vernon Ransdell
Many good things have come to me through Christian Science...
Hettie Templeman
For many years I had suffered from nervousness and...
E. J. Crymble
It is with sincere gratitude for the many blessings which...
Margaret F. Crowson
I first heard of Christian Science through the healing...
Carrie Patterson
In September, 1909, our little girl, four years old, was...
Hattie D. Cleland
with contributions from Washington Gladden, R. J. Campbell, Harold Begbie, Pemberton Hale Cressey