It is now about eight years since I first learned of Christian Science,...

It is now about eight years since I first learned of Christian Science, through a dear friend who loaned me Science and Health to read. In the last six years I have not taken any medicine, and have seen many diseases yield to the power of divine Love. I have found Christian Science invaluable in the management of a large family, and with the most of my family drugs have been laid aside, — the dear ones almost unconsciously yielding to the truth.

I want to express my thanks for great help received from the testimonies in the Sentinel and Journal, but above all for the understanding of the Scriptures that has come to me through the Lesson-Sermons and the study of Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, to whom my heart goes out in great thankfulness for the blessings that have come to me through the study of her writings.

Mrs. J. H. Buttenheim, Madison, N. J.

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Testimony of Healing
Some time ago I had retired for the night when I was...
October 7, 1905

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