The Lectures

Mr. Bicknell Young of Chicago delivered a lecture on Christian Science in Chronicle Hall, Sunday, September 10, under the auspices of the Christian Science Society of De Kalb. He was introduced by Dr. J. W. Cook, President of the State Normal School of 1llinois, who said in part,—

Ladies and Gentlemen:— I think it is not difficult to understand what may be called the modern spirit. I mean by that the prevailing habit of thought, the dominant mental attitude of the modern world. I think you will agree with me when I say that it is essentially scientific. We are seeking a rational explanation of the world and are endeavoring to discover law, for we believe ourselves to be under the dominion of invariable, persistent reason, which expresses itself in those substantial forms which we dignify by the name of law. When I have declared it to be a scientific age, I have in the same breath characterized it as an age that is essentially practical. We measure everything in terms of usefulness, in its ability to contribute to the welfare of man.

We are here this afternoon to hear an exposition of what is called Christian Science. While I must confess myself ignorant in a large part of its philosophy and practice, I understand that its main contention is that it is fundamentally scientific and fundamentally Christian. Nothing could be more desirable than a happy union of two great systems of thought that have often been regarded as hostile. If Science can find itself in harmony with religion, and religion under the form of Christianity can really become scientific, we may indeed believe that the world is approaching the long-hoped-for millennium. I feel that I am honored in having the privilege of introducing to you one who is esteemed capable of instructing us in this new and interesting philosophy of life. —Correspondence.

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October 7, 1905

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