A letter in this article was later republished in The First Church of Christ, Scientist, and Miscellany: My. 208:1-9

Sydney, Australia, May 31, 1909.
Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy, Brookline, Mass.

Beloved Leader:—At the annual meeting of First Church of Christ, Scientist, Sydney, Australia, it was unanimously agreed that a letter be sent to you, to express individually and as a church our love and gratitude, and to say humbly and fervently that we are prayerfully striving to apprehend more of that glorious teaching so beautifully expressed by you in these two lines on page 6 of Science and Health: "God is Love. More than this we cannot ask, higher we cannot look, farther we cannot go."

We feel it will interest you to hear a little about the Sydney (Australia) church. During the year we were compelled to move to a larger hall for our services, and, as this is rapidly filling, we are again looking for more ample accommodation. The Sunday School shows a very encouraging growth in numbers and interest. The lectures by Bicknell Young, given in our Town Hall, were listened to on each occasion by large and appreciative audiences. Class instruction has been given in Sydney to fifteen students, by an Australian teacher who has qualified for this work. Our greatest satisfaction however lies in this, that the sale of our text-book, Science and Health, is increasing wonderfully, and there is a steady demand for all your precious writings.

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July 24, 1909

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