I should like to share with others...

I should like to share with others a healing I experienced through mental surgery some time ago which proved the omnipotence and omnipresence of God. While my daughter and I were vacationing in a wooded country, far from a telephone or a Christian Science practitioner, I broke a rib. My daughter helped me to lie down, and she read to me from Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, In a few minutes the intense pain stopped, and several days later I was able to go about my regular duties. In about three weeks all evidence of the injury had been overcome.

I have been a student of Christian Science for over thirty years and have experienced many healings, some with the help of a practitioner, others through my own understanding. My first healing came through the reading of Science and Health in conjunction with the Bible. I was unable to eat anything without suffering much pain, and a doctor had said that nothing but an operation would help me. But as I read and studied daily the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly, I was healed and was able in a short time to eat everything I wanted.

Another healing for which I am very grateful was that of my daughter of pleural pneumonia. We had the help of a practitioner at this time, and in three weeks my daughter was able to go back to work.

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Testimony of Healing
In appreciation of the many...
October 13, 1951

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