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The teachings of Christian Science inculcate the true spirit of tolerance—not the condoning of error, but the loving look which sees, beyond the mist of materiality, the real purpose of Christliness in our brother's motives and acts. This worthy attitude of expectancy produces a remedial effect both upon ourselves and upon those in need of such kindly understanding. Who does not long to feel the friendly touch of tender compassion at a time when discordant material sense may be arguing that our best efforts are being misunderstood, or, perhaps, that some task lovingly performed has not been accorded proper recognition?
Innumerable instances could be related as to the healing of differences by Christian Science, through giving us a broader vision and a more loving attitude toward our fellow men. In one home, where a feeling of antagonism was shown toward what some members of the family believed Christian Science to be, this false impression was entirely overcome through the steadfast clinging to Truth by one member of the family who had tasted the efficacy and availability of God's power and willingness to heal. A happy result of this earnest endeavor was that during a critical illness permission was granted for a loved one to receive treatment from a Christian Science practitioner; and a quick and beautiful healing followed, which was regarded with amazement by neighbors and friends, who admitted they had not expected this one to recover. Not only was physical healing speedily effected, but much of the former prejudice against Christian Science and its Discoverer and Founder, Mary Baker Eddy, melted away. Those who had thought they disapproved of this teaching began to correct misstatements in regard thereto when made in their presence.
We can be truly tolerant when we refuse to accept as real for ourselves and for our neighbor any form of error, be it sin, sickness, or lack. This knowledge that evil is untrue, unreal, because it is devoid of Life, God, robs it of its seeming power to confuse or disturb us; and if we persist in our refusal to give it life we automatically become its master and gain our dominion, thereby freeing ourselves and others from its attempted thralldom. For our enlightenment and encouragement, Mrs. Eddy has written (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 284): "Evil is not something to fear and flee before, or that becomes more real when it is grappled with. Evil let alone grows more real, aggressive, and enlarges its claims; but, met with Science, it can and will be mastered by Science." James confirms this statement in the words, "Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
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August 24, 1935 issue
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Healing Paramount
Circulation of Right Ideas
Meeting Our Obligations
Immortal Prestige
The Fast
"Unto you, young men"—And Women!
In a recent issue of the Dominion, an article appeared...
Arthur E. F. Court, Committee on Publication for the North Island of New Zealand,
My attention has been called to an article recently printed...
W. Archibald Wallace, Committee on Publication for the State of West Virginia,
A remark in a letter of a recent issue might lead your...
Gordon William Flower, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
The Goal of Perfection
Duncan Sinclair
The Eternality of Good
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Meggie Richardson, Hazel L. Hawley, Frederick A. Doebber, Martha Kreager, Howard G. Blain, Anna Helene Martha Vormelcher, Katherine S. Thomas
It is with a very grateful heart that I give this testimony
Hettie Trapman
It is with deep gratitude that I send this testimony
Annie T. Thackleberry
It is with sincere gratitude that I give this testimony of...
Susie Mae Swindell
Christian Science came into my life over five years ago,...
Karla Stefkova
Christian Science was first presented to me when, at the...
Jenneve C. Grant
Christian Science was recommended to me for my seven...
Grace Joslin Barnes
Fifteen years ago Christian Science brought me faith,...
Eula T. Jenkins
It is with a heart overflowing with gratitude for the...
F. Chase Wiggin
The Pure in Heart
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Isaac Ogden Rankin, J. L. Newland, Harry E. Fosdick, John McDowell