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It is with a heart overflowing with gratitude for the...
It is with a heart overflowing with gratitude for the many blessings received that I give this testimony.
When I was first introduced to Christian Science I was a member of an orthodox church, and on being lent a copy of Science and Health I merely glanced at the first page of the Preface and laid the book aside, not even thinking of it for the next two years, although I was suffering a great deal from a war wound received in 1917, my right leg being badly smashed below the knee. I had eight operations, and after each one the wound seemed worse, not even healing up after the last one. A lady who was staying with us talked to me about Christian Science and seemed much surprised that I had not even tried to read the textbook after having it for two years. After a good deal of argument I promised to read it and started to do so. Soon afterwards I was laid up in bed, and the wound seemed worse than it had ever been before. The doctor who was attending me said that the best thing would be to have the leg taken off, and that if I agreed to this he would give me a letter to a hospital in Glasgow. I had about decided to follow his advice but continued reading the textbook, and in less than ten days the wound healed up; and from that day to this, nearly five years, I have not had the slightest trouble. I can run, jump, and do anything necessary on that leg, whereas formerly if I walked a little too far I was laid up. This healing took place simply through my reading of the textbook.
I then asked a Christian Science practitioner to help me to gain spiritual understanding, which was lovingly done. With help from this practitioner our youngest daughter was healed of measles in a week, and my wife was instantaneously healed of influenza and neuralgia, both by absent treatments. We have had many proofs of God's omnipotence and omnipresence since then, by putting into practice the understanding gained. The children were healed of mumps in four days, our eldest daughter had a practically instantaneous healing of German measles, and I was not even laid up with a sprained ankle which was badly swollen and quite blue. All desire for intoxicating drink left me about six months after I started reading Science and Health. With two treatments from a practitioner the smoking habit of twenty-one years' standing left me completely.
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August 24, 1935 issue
View Issue-
Healing Paramount
Circulation of Right Ideas
Meeting Our Obligations
Immortal Prestige
The Fast
"Unto you, young men"—And Women!
In a recent issue of the Dominion, an article appeared...
Arthur E. F. Court, Committee on Publication for the North Island of New Zealand,
My attention has been called to an article recently printed...
W. Archibald Wallace, Committee on Publication for the State of West Virginia,
A remark in a letter of a recent issue might lead your...
Gordon William Flower, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
The Goal of Perfection
Duncan Sinclair
The Eternality of Good
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Meggie Richardson, Hazel L. Hawley, Frederick A. Doebber, Martha Kreager, Howard G. Blain, Anna Helene Martha Vormelcher, Katherine S. Thomas
It is with a very grateful heart that I give this testimony
Hettie Trapman
It is with deep gratitude that I send this testimony
Annie T. Thackleberry
It is with sincere gratitude that I give this testimony of...
Susie Mae Swindell
Christian Science came into my life over five years ago,...
Karla Stefkova
Christian Science was first presented to me when, at the...
Jenneve C. Grant
Christian Science was recommended to me for my seven...
Grace Joslin Barnes
Fifteen years ago Christian Science brought me faith,...
Eula T. Jenkins
It is with a heart overflowing with gratitude for the...
F. Chase Wiggin
The Pure in Heart
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Isaac Ogden Rankin, J. L. Newland, Harry E. Fosdick, John McDowell