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It is with deep gratitude that I send this testimony
It is with deep gratitude that I send this testimony.
In June, 1934, my husband and I were spending a short vacation with three friends on an island in Casco Bay. In the afternoon before we left for home we drove a short distance and then walked up over a cliff or high ledge. Three of the party were ahead of me and passed over safely, but as I stepped on this highest place, it gave way and my body began to fall. The cliff was thirty feet high and below was nothing but rocks. As I looked down, it seemed like instant death, but I declared, "God is my life," and clung to this statement. My husband ran around another way and came to the foot of the cliff just as I stopped rolling. I was rolled up like a ball. When he lifted my head he found that I was conscious. My legs were under me, and as he drew them out he was surprised to find that there were no bones broken. There were only skin bruises, and no mark was on my hands or face. With the help of the others, I was able to walk up a very rough place to get to the car. I was grateful that none of the party suggested that a physician examine me; and it did not enter my thought. I was able to walk upstairs to my room that night and have a comfortable night, and appeared at the breakfast table with the rest the next morning. I was not in bed a day following this experience; and the next week I attended my Association meeting in Boston, which was very helpful in cleaning things up.
I realize that it was not merely thinking the right thing at the right time that proved my salvation, but the daily work that I had done during the years that I had been studying Christian Science. My books went with me, and I studied the Lesson-Sermon from the Christian Science Quarterly and did my mental work each morning while away, so it was divinely natural for the right thought to come when needed. I had helped others to demonstrate Life, and this time I had to demonstrate it for myself, giving God the entire glory.
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August 24, 1935 issue
View Issue-
Healing Paramount
Circulation of Right Ideas
Meeting Our Obligations
Immortal Prestige
The Fast
"Unto you, young men"—And Women!
In a recent issue of the Dominion, an article appeared...
Arthur E. F. Court, Committee on Publication for the North Island of New Zealand,
My attention has been called to an article recently printed...
W. Archibald Wallace, Committee on Publication for the State of West Virginia,
A remark in a letter of a recent issue might lead your...
Gordon William Flower, Committee on Publication for Gloucestershire, England,
The Goal of Perfection
Duncan Sinclair
The Eternality of Good
Violet Ker Seymer
The Lectures
with contributions from Meggie Richardson, Hazel L. Hawley, Frederick A. Doebber, Martha Kreager, Howard G. Blain, Anna Helene Martha Vormelcher, Katherine S. Thomas
It is with a very grateful heart that I give this testimony
Hettie Trapman
It is with deep gratitude that I send this testimony
Annie T. Thackleberry
It is with sincere gratitude that I give this testimony of...
Susie Mae Swindell
Christian Science came into my life over five years ago,...
Karla Stefkova
Christian Science was first presented to me when, at the...
Jenneve C. Grant
Christian Science was recommended to me for my seven...
Grace Joslin Barnes
Fifteen years ago Christian Science brought me faith,...
Eula T. Jenkins
It is with a heart overflowing with gratitude for the...
F. Chase Wiggin
The Pure in Heart
Signs of the Times
with contributions from Isaac Ogden Rankin, J. L. Newland, Harry E. Fosdick, John McDowell