the whole range of human existence no experience approximates the conviction, power, and joy which accompany conclusive Christian Science healing.
teachings of Christian Science inculcate the true spirit of tolerance—not the condoning of error, but the loving look which sees, beyond the mist of materiality, the real purpose of Christliness in our brother's motives and acts.
of us who have had the inestimable privilege of attending the Christian Science Sunday School since we were quite small, and who should now be ready to take our place in the world as young men and women, relying on our understanding of God to heal us, protect us, and guide our activities, may be asking ourselves, Are we certain that the truths we have been brought up with are really responsible for our good health and happiness?
W. Archibald Wallace, Committee on Publication for the State of West Virginia,
My attention has been called to an article recently printed in the Recorder in which the claim is made that medical doctors are not held in the high esteem they once were, and this condition is attributed to a number of reasons, one of which is "lecturing to large audiences, by the cults," among which the author includes Christian Science.
with contributions from Meggie Richardson, Hazel L. Hawley, Frederick A. Doebber, Martha Kreager, Howard G. Blain, Anna Helene Martha Vormelcher, Katherine S. Thomas
Christian Science came into my life over five years ago, when my mother was so ill with what was diagnosed as cancer that all help of the physicians was in vain.
Christian Science was recommended to me for my seven months' old baby, after two physicians had done all that was within their power for him, and we had unsuccessfully tried all the remedies available at the drug store in which my husband worked.
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with contributions from Meggie Richardson, Hazel L. Hawley, Frederick A. Doebber, Martha Kreager, Howard G. Blain, Anna Helene Martha Vormelcher, Katherine S. Thomas