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All that actually exists bears witness to the one divine Mind, the one Love, the infinitude of Spirit. Since God is One and All-in-all, there is no plurality of Life, Mind, Love; there is multiplied reflection of the One and All. Since God is indivisible good, His manifestation also is indivisible; no estrangement has ever taken place between Mind's ideas. Likewise, the one and only health is wholly spiritual, uninvaded by matter, unalterable, established in divine Principle. The same applies to the one strength, the one intelligence, and all the indestructible faculties of God's image. This monotheism denies polytheism, or many gods, denies any supposed plurality of lives and minds and healths, severed from the one source. There is no such plurality or severance. "The Lord our God is one Lord," all-sufficing.
"The Science of Christianity is strictly monotheism,—it has ONE GOD. And this divine infinite Principle, noumenon and phenomena, is demonstrably the self-existent Life, Truth, Love, substance, Spirit, Mind, which includes all that the term implies, and is all that is real and eternal" (Christian Science versus Pantheism, p. 12). This spiritually inspired statement of Mrs. Eddy's requires her followers to be monotheists, acknowledging one Life and Love, one universal health and harmony, one available power and purity. Spirit's omnipresence never has been displaced, nor Mind's omnipotence dethroned. Factually, there is no evil presence and no mental derangement.
In so far as he mentally maintains this pure monotheism, the Christian Scientist is equipped to denounce and destroy the belief in many gods or powers objectified as matter, disease, sin, dementia, death. These wholly fictitious, counterfeit phenomena of material sense are to be regarded as slanders against the one infinite creation of Spirit. No student of Christian Science can consistently accord verity or tangibility to the slanderous evidence of disease or other inharmony, for he stands as Truth's witness against the second, material record of the one spiritual creation. No one is faced with a second, material, fallen creation, but only with a second "record," unacceptable and impotent to deceive the spiritually enlightened thinker. Christian Science denounces evil as calumny against the infinite One, and deals with it as such. The student's mission is stanchly to acknowledge one God, one cause and effect, and all good as substantially present—undisplaced—in token of the infinite substance of Spirit.
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December 8, 1934 issue
View Issue-
Staying in the Kingdom of Heaven
A Universal Friend
Stirring Up Our Nest
Christian Science—Revealed Truth
A Day Set Apart
Doing Good in Christ's Name
Be Still, and Know
In reply to a critic writing in your issue of August 4, let...
Charles W. J. Tennant,
In a recent column the following in connection with the...
Merrill M. Hutchinson, former Committee on Publication for Georgia,
Jesus said, "In the world ye shall have tribulation," but...
William Brantly, Committee on Publication for the State of Tennessee,
The Upward Way
Violet Ker Seymer
"There is lifting up"
W. Stuart Booth
The Lectures
with contributions from Donald C. Taber, Edwin Charles David Newland, Timothy Sheehan
I want to express my gratitude for having been led to...
Jennie Hedlund
Although I have received healings in Christian Science...
Madge Zang with contributions from Milton Zang
I have every reason to be grateful for Christian Science
Edgar F. Keatinge
It is such a joyous privilege to testify to the healing...
Olga Maria Breymann
In seeking God's protection and care daily in the light...
Robert J. Schrock
Our revered Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, gives us this...
Minnie R. Mendelson
Christian Science came into my parents' home when I...
Lillien Woodward
Christian Science found me after a long journey, which I...
Juanita L. Pye
I should like to add a sincere expression of gratitude to the...
Adolph A. Geils
Christian Science
Signs of the Times
with contributions from L. E. Ackland, George H. Schofield, James Reid, Mattuck, Betty Lee